Friday, November 20, 2009

Fall Inspiration

Here are the some of the beads I made this week that were inspired by the fall color outside my studio window.

Lampwork 'fall' beads.
I'm thinking of making earrings with these. Guess it's time to get to work!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chill Out!

Cooler weather has arrived and the change is nice. I did enjoy the Indian summer we had in October, with temperatures in the 70s and even an 80 or two, but having cooler weather is so stimulating. Not just the goose bumps but the creative juices, too. It is so much easier for me to torch when the weather is cooler than in the heat of the summer. And most of that is not just a reluctance to fire up the torch and kiln because it’s hot outside, I really do think the cool weather fuels my creativity. Perhaps part of it is the ‘holiday’ feeling that comes with cooler weather, but I’m not convinced that is all it is. Today I made beads but none of them were Christmas beads. I just played, being inspired by the colors outside and a recent beadmaking class with Trey Cornette. I just can hardly wait to see what comes out of the kiln! That’s what creativity is all about!